Can the medical aesthetics industry learn from the hair care world? Discover how client loyalty to individual practitioners is transforming both fields. Join us as we chat with Shannon Seeberan, head of business development at Cloud Med Spa, about her journey into medical aesthetics and her partnership with founder Iggy Fanlo. Together, they’ve crafted an innovative business model that empowers aesthetic practitioners to become entrepreneurs, providing them with the freedom to manage their own schedules, pricing, and transactions, all while sidestepping traditional overhead costs.
Explore how Cloud Med Spa's platform offers a unique opportunity for existing medical and dental practices to monetize underutilized spaces. Shannon explains how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the demand for such entrepreneurial ventures, particularly among nurse practitioners and RNs. This system allows independent aesthetic practitioners to rent these spaces, creating a win-win scenario akin to an Airbnb for medical facilities. Additionally, we highlight Van Sanity's efficient scheduling model in Boston, which maximizes practitioner capacity across multiple locations.
Private equity’s interest in the booming medical aesthetics space signals a lucrative future. We discuss the importance of enabling practitioners to scale their businesses independently without compromising control or ownership. Shannon provides insights on how Cloud Med Spa supports clients through shared resources and continuous collaboration, ensuring their success. Tune in to learn more about this transformative approach and how it’s revolutionizing the medical aesthetics industry.
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