Dr. Steven Wingfield is President of the Dental Whale Practice Group, an emerging Group Practice that owns and/or manages about 45 practices. Dr Wingfield is also a Co-Founder of Dental Whale, an innovative company that brings intelligent solutions to the dental industry.
Dental Whale has been making a name for itself recently with the sponsoring of some huge events, and their unique business model has them poised for massive growth.
Dental Whale's goal is to help Private Practice Dentists thrive by providing them with:
- Solutions -Call Center, Procurement, Marketing, Repair and Equipment Solutions- for Private and Small Group Dental Practices
- In-Person and Online Education and Development Programs.
- An innovative online platform (My Dental Whale) that let's them manage all aspects of their relationship with Dental Whale.
Dental Whale Practice Group (DWPG) is a Partner-Based Group of Dentists that build regions of high quality, successful dental practices. DWPG practices utilize the Solutions and Education Platform that My Dental Whale provides to streamline and improve their performance. In the DWPG Partnership Program, they help their Partners integrate into the Dental Whale Way of systems, and simultaneously get them ready for partnership into the Dental Whale Practice Group. It’s a truly beautiful strategy for everyone and a Win-Win for the Partner Dentist.
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